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400 MILLION DOLLAR EMERALD - National Geographic

$400 Million Emerald Mystery or true? It has a complicated and unfathomable history and various opinions can be given on that - will the authorities ever find the owner for the Bahia Emerald ??-- or will it prove just too powerful to shift? Find out in $400 Million Emerald Mystery and explore the gemstone's colourful history and analyse the different claims over it. The unearthing of what may be the world's largest emerald in Brazil is a truly remarkable story, but the staggering eight-way battle for its ownership is almost too astonishing to believe. Found in a Bahia mine in 2001, the remarkable stone, valued at $400 million (approx), has since endured a bizarre odyssey, from an abandoned petrol station in San Jose to a submergedm Bra vault in Hurricane Katrina-ravaged New Orleans. With the gemstone trade a world of mystery and intrigue, the 840lb (381Kg) specimen has already changed hands in a Sao Paulo car park, been used as collateral in a diamond deal and even shown up on eBay!

Is it a natural Emerald ? has it changed hands? has the value of emerald changed? was the origin of the Emerald was really true? The top quality merald or a commercial quality? Treated or Natural Emerald ? These all questions need to understand or be answered? Lets wait for the time !
400 MILLION DOLLAR EMERALD - National Geographic Reviewed by Unknown on 15:48 Rating: 5

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