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Top 10 Most Expensive Diamonds In The World (Part 1/2)

This is the video for the top top most expansive diamonds in the world. these are extremely rare Diamonds in the world. These pieces come once in a blue moon and these go to extremely lucky people's hands.

This videos includes the Fancy rarest diamonds ever found ths earth planet. If your are trying to learn about Gemstones or if you are trying to learn hot value gemstones and how to value Diamonds it is gives an overall concept and idea how to estimate the diamonds. The other colored Gemstones have different concept though but still its worth to go through this concept.

The Fancy, white, Blue, Pink and Rarest diamonds may got 10million to several 100 million Dollar prices depending on its color, clarity, shape and cut and ofc ourse the Size !

Top 10 Most Expensive Diamonds In The World (Part 1/2) Reviewed by Unknown on 17:28 Rating: 5

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