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How to Buy Gemstone - Tanzania

How to Buy Gemstones is a topic which is quite interesting for all Gemstones dealers, Collectors, Retailers, Manufacturers and of course the End Users. The person whose gonna use the Jewelry is the end of the day who really appreciates; this is why he/she would buy it.

So the most relevant is the one whose gonna use it in his/her Jewelry. This is a very wide topic and it really varies from gemstones to gemstone and also from area to area.

Below is an example of a beautiful faceted Tanzanite.  It is nicely cut stone and can be graded as AAA stone or a Gem Quality Tanzanite.

The below is another example of a Tanzanite Rough or a beautfiul Crystal. After Faceting it may produce 2 or 3 pieces. So it is important to visulaize properly the rough stone to estimate the Yield. The best thing to yield is to see the Fractures or cracks in the rough Piece. And which part is more included and as well the Axis of the Piece which can be considered as the best to keep as a Main Facet mans table or Top Edge of the Faceted Stone. This is where we need the Cutter's Eye and a Trader must have experience or an advise from a Cutter as per convenience.

The Below here is the Super Gem Quality Tanzanite example. It may be appraised as AAAA Gem Tanzanite. Because the Color is considered as a Top quality color. And the concentratio or Hue of the color is nicely spread all over the piece; which gives a Superb look tot he stone. Apart from the color;  Balance cutting is another factor. and we have to see all 4Cs before we call it a Super Gem Quality stone. 

How to Buy Gemstone - Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 23:52 Rating: 5

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