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How to Cut & polish Gemstones

How to cut and polish the Gemstones. its technique which really technical and valuable. Have you ever wondered what it takes to polish a piece of gemstone? In this video, this video is showing the basic cutting, grinding and polishing of a semi precious gem.

The Semi precious stones are a bit easier than the Pecious stones cutting. Opals are different too being too soft. Then the Diamonds are differently cut being very hard (10 on Hardness Scale). This covers a general kind of Semi precious Gemstones, cutting, grinding and polishing.

Below is the different angles from where the stones should either hold manually or with a holder available with the various cutting machines.

Here is the manual holder to hold the stone and cutting the rough gemstone and making the preform shape; which actually before the cutting / faceting stage.

Now this is the example of various shapes we cut the stones to. It really depends on the rough piece original shape which decides the final shape. The cutter need to view the stone carefully that which side he / she should keep as a main table or top of the stone. also that are there any cracks; so it is better in the beginning to see the cracks and make two or 3 pieces before start cutting so that we don't loose the stone weight unnecessary.

How to Cut & polish Gemstones Reviewed by Unknown on 23:43 Rating: 5

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